Certified Mail Labels | 2 Easy Ways Of Creating Labels In Excel In MinutesAccording to a study by Epsilon, 77% of consumers sort through their physical mail as soon as they get it. Whereas, think about all those unread emails that you receive every day.

Direct mail marketing still plays a big part in marketing campaigns and the way people do business. It adds an additional personal touch and can build trust with your customers and clients.

Keep reading to discover 2 easy ways to start creating labels in Excel.

How to Create Labels in Excel

Did you know that 66% of people have bought something because of direct mail? If you want to connect with your customers, then try sending them a physical letter.

There are many different ways you can go about creating labels in Excel. These are just 2 ways in which you can do so in a matter of minutes:

1. Using Excel and Word

One way to go about creating labels from excel is by using your contact lists. Excel is great at organizing your contact details and then from there you can export those details and create labels to print.

Step 1: Input Data

The first thing you need to do is ensure that your Excel spreadsheet is set up correctly. You need to make sure that you have a column for each element you want to include in your label.

For example, put the title, first name, last name, street address, city, state, and ZIP code in individual columns.

Then you need to input the relevant data, that you want to print on the labels from excel. To ensure that your labels look professional, ensure you don't leave any columns blank. Once you've inputted the data, save the worksheet.

Step 2: Setting Up Excel and Word

After you're happy with your worksheet, you need to connect Excel to Word. This will enable you to convert files between the two programs.

To do this, open Word and click on File. Then choose Options, click Advanced and scroll down to General. Ensure that you select Confirm File Format Conversion on Open and then press OK.

Then you need to go to the Mailings tab in Word and select Start Mail Merge. Click on Labels and choose the brand in the Label Vendors box.

Then select the product number which is the right size for your labels (this is listed on the label package). Alternatively, you can create your own label by selecting New Label and customizing the dimensions to suit. Once you're happy, click OK.

Step 3: Connecting Excel and Word

Before you can print the address labels from Word you need to connect the Word document to your worksheet.

To do this, you need to click on the Mailings tab, click Select Recipients in the Mail Merge group. Then select Use an Existing List.

Find the Excel worksheet that has your list and click Open. Confirm the list you want by clicking OK.

The page should now be filled with labels that read «Next Record».

Next, you want to add the mail merge fields. To do this, you need to click on the first label on the page and choose Address Block, which should be in the Write & Insert Fields section.

Press the Match Fields button on the box that pops up. Then ensure that your headings are all right and in the right fields. If any of them are incorrect you can use the drop-down arrow to match it to the right field.

Once you're happy with your fields click OK and then select Update Labels.

Step 4: Finishing Up

Now your Excel worksheet and your Word document should all be set up. To finish up, all you need to do is click Finish & Merge in the Finish group (which can be found on the Mailings tab).

To preview how your printed labels will appear, you can select Edit Individual Documents and select All, then press OK.

After this, a new document will open with the mailing labels that you inputted into the Excel worksheet. From here you can edit, print, or save the labels for a later date.

2. Using Excel 2003

If you're using an older version of Excel, for example, Excel 2003, then the process is a little different.

To make labels from Excel in older versions, you need to input your data (the way you did in step 1 above).

After that, you need to open a new Word document and go to the Tools menu. Then click Letter and Mailings and select Mail Merge.

Once Mail Merge has opened, select Labels and choose Next: Starting Document. Click Label Options and then choose the right size for your label. Again this is the same as the above steps, so you can also create your own customizable label too. Then click OK.

Under Select Recipients, click Use an Existing List and then Browse. Find your Excel worksheet with your mailing list on it and then click Open. If the data that pops up is right, select OK.

Click Next: Arrange Your Labels and choose Address Block. Select Match Fields (which is on the Insert Address Block dialog box). If your headings are correct, click OK, then Update All Labels.

You can then preview your labels, by using the arrows under Preview Your Labels. Once you're happy with them, click Next: Complete the Merge. You can edit your labels by clicking Edit Individual Labels.

When you are happy with your labels, you can then print them.

Address labels can be tricky to print, so if you're struggling to get your label to the right size, then check out our Print Certified Mail Labels services.

Start Creating Labels in Excel

Now you've followed our guide on five easy ways of creating labels in excel in minutes, you can go about sending out all your mail quicker, easier, and cheaper. Implement one of the ways above and see how much time your business can save.

Contact us now to find out how we can help your business save time and money on postage.
Certified Mail Labels | Get Started for Free Today